Tuesday 25 February 2014

And so it begins...

Greetings all!
(by all, I expect I'll be addressing my parents, and a few of my friends.... But if you don't fall into these categories, thanks for checking out my blog!)

In the likely event that you don't speak Japanese, I should clarify that the title says 'I am James'. I don't speak Japanese fluently, I just felt somewhat inclined to make the title what it is. Now that I think about it, it makes no sense putting the title in Japanese, as this is going to be a travel blog about America- guess I've been watching too much Anime. Oh well, 'Watashi wa James desu' it shall stay!


As aforementioned, I am starting this blog as an account for my trip to the USA, more specifically, Louisiana, even more specifically, Shreveport, EVEN more specifically, Bossier City (that's as specific as I can get without giving away my host families actual address!). I'm going as part of the Rotary club's Youth Exchange programme, and I am sooo looking forward to it! This is going to be the most exciting part of my gap year so far, not that my gap year so far has been uneventful, it's just that what I've done so far (resit some exams, have limited success at finding a job, and act incredibly unsociable when visiting unis) aren't anywhere near as exciting as this!
As excited as I am for this trip, I am also pretty scared. I'm sure that once I'm there, everything will be fine- I'm proud to be an ambassador for my country, and from the Email contact I've had with them my host family, the Piraino's, seem like incredibly friendly people! But I've always had a somewhat irrational fear of going through airport security. I know I've got nothing to hide (what threat is a skinny English kid anyways?), but I always find myself getting stressed out by the whole 'metal detectors and men with guns' thing, which leads me to think that the security staff will think that I'm up to no good, and I'll end up backed into a corner screaming...

(forgive the grammatical error- it should be 'Please I am too young to die'. But who really cares when it comes to memes anyway?)

I've always wanted to visit America- mainly because my Dad has been watching American films (particularly Westerns) his whole life, and so he has sort of passed the 'tradition' (if you can call it that) onto me. Most of my favourite films are American, and set in America (I'll refrain from listing them to save myself from any possible judgement!), so the US of A has always been this kind of, fairy tale land of amazing scenery, kick- ass cops, and loud, raunchy muscle cars.

But not just that.

Whenever I've seen real life footage of American life; whether it be in busy city streets, friendly suburban areas, or even striking desert ranches, I got the sense that that is somewhere I wanted to be, or at least explore. And now's my chance! HOORAHH!!
All I can say is a great, big, MASSIVE thank you to both my sponsoring and hosting Rotary clubs!

I expect this particular blog has been incredibly boring thus far, in which case I apologise- I'm really trying my best! I swear my blogs will become infinitely more interesting once I'm actually in America, documenting my trip, so please, PLEASE keep reading them. Perhaps some puppy dog eyes will help persuade you...

Well, I think that is a decent enough introduction, I'll be signing off for now- I shall resume once I'm in Louisiana! :D

Jya ne!! (see ya)
James x

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