Friday 25 April 2014

Explorations in Northern Louisiana

You guys!

I'm sorry, last blog I said I'd return to weekly blog updates.....
Then failed to blog the following Sunday.
My bad guys, my bad.

I do have a valid excuse, in so far as I did a bit of travelling which made it difficult for me to write the blog.
Where did I travel i hear you ask? To Monroe, Louisiana of course!!
I actually knew this when I wrote my last blog, but neglected to inform you guys....
Wow, I have been a terrible blogger!
I'm very sorry.

Returning swiftly to my travels, I went to Monroe for three days this week! For those of you (if not all of you) wondering where and what Monroe is, it's a medium sized city (probably be called a town in England) located in North East Louisiana.

As you can see, Monroe is pretty much the only other major city in Northern Louisiana- and it's not even that significant. In fact, as of late, it's only real claim to fame is the show "Duck Dynasty", which, to be fair, is a pretty significant claim to fame. Larger than most of Shreveport's anyway.
Duck Dynasty, if I haven't said already, is a very popular pseudo- reality show about a family of Rednecks with large beards who turned making duck calls into a multimillion dollar business called "Duck Commander".

^here are the bearded warriors

I've watched a few episodes while I've been here, and it is quite entertaining, although obviously scripted. The main thing I, and many other people around here, like about it is the fact that at the end of the day, they're very wholesome, family orientated people with respectable morals. Which makes them eternally better than the people in a show like Geordie Shore or The Only Way is Essex, who are simple minded, sex- crazed idiots who probably think that America is the capital of the USA.
In my opinion, those British shows are so popular because they are essentially a modern reincarnation of the freak show at the circus. People, mostly from a middle class background, enjoy watching these fake-tanned barbie dolls because it makes them feel better about themselves. It reminds me of Roman Emperors watch Gladiators battle to the death simply for their amusement. Quite an extreme comparison I know, but the likeness, to me, is uncanny.
Now, please don't get the impression that I'm judging people who watch these shows, because that isn't my intention, after all, I used to watch and enjoy Geordie Shore, so it's not like I see an episode and react like

It's just that I find it quite interesting that these horrible people get so popular- there's probably some Psychology behind it that I'll struggle to find the motivation to look into.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is the I prefer Duck Dynasty to Geordie Shore and TOWIE. Pretty simplistic point considering how much I rabbited on before arriving at it.
Oh well
That's just how I role 

I left for Monroe with Rick Gates at 6:30am on Tuesday.
Yeah, 6:30.
That's f*cking early for me.
I was all like

  But luckily, I was able to sleep in the truck. Upon arrival, we met up with my host for my three day visit- Mr Doug Seegers. Doug is a great guy, and I had good laughs with him. He took me to three vocational visits: a TV station, a sign company, and a Clinical Psychologist's office. Although the sign company was, to be frank, rather boring, the TV station and Clinical Psychologist's office visits were fantastic! Really interesting, engaging, and helpful. Doug is a very active Rotarian, in fact, two years ago, he and his family hosted another boy from Reading- one Alex Squires (who apparently lived just round the corner from me, yet I've never met him!). So, Doug took me to visit three different Rotary clubs: West Monroe, Monroe, and the Twin Cities Rotary club. I said a few words at each one, although I wasn't booked in to speak at any of them, which meant I couldn't use the Presentation on where I was from.
The one which I spent ages working on before I came here and only used once.

Also, not that it's important, I ate at Hooter's for the second time!

^ I wasn't sure what face to pull.....

When I got back on Thursday, I was delighted to return to the Piraino household, not because I didn't enjoy Monroe, but because I missed them. Not sure how I'm going to cope leaving for good in 7 days, but I'm sure the prospect of home will carry me through. I'm also now getting anxious about flying again! My mind just makes no sense and refuses to listen to reason- the trip over here was fine!! But I'm still worried about security, and the flight itself.
To use an obscure simile, it's like I've told my mind to get dressed up for a big, formal dinner... And it does this

Anyway, Thursday night, after my continuous recommendations, we went to eat at an Indian restaurant in Bossier. The Piraino's, much to my shock, had never had Indian food, so I naturally told them we had to go at some point, and this was that point.
I did what i always do at an Indian restaurant: order a Chicken Korma. I recommended Ross order the same, and he did. Krista had Chicken Jalfrezi and Steve had Chicken Biryani. I think the meal was a success, as we all seemed to enjoy our meals, I wasn't too sure on how great the place was though, the food was good, but the guy who served us had never heard of Lamb Dhansk- which I thought was a staple Indian meal! Maybe not...

That pretty much sums up my week! I leave this coming Friday, meaning that won't be able to write my last blog from Louisiana on the usual Sunday, so I'll try and get it done on Thursday.
Thanks, as always, for reading!
Jya ne
James x

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